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IDProjektKategorieSichtbarkeitZuletzt aktualisiert
0003009EresseaGeneralöffentlich2024-03-03 14:16
ReporterNope Bearbeitung durchEnno  
PrioritätnormalSchweregradkleinerer FehlerReproduzierbarimmer
Status erledigtLösungkeine Änderung notwendig 
Zusammenfassung0003009: Cannot restart

I made a mistake in selecting the race to play so would like to start with a new faction of a different race.

The english version of the rules say that to restart I should use:

RESTART (race) (password)

but that just gives me "WARNING: Unknown faction or invalid password" and then I get "No orders were received for your faction!" in the .nr.

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Notizen / Dateien



2024-03-03 12:11

Administrator   ~0010094

There is no RESTART command in Eressea. You must have found a very old copy of the rules if it said that, where did you get this?



2024-03-03 13:02

Reporter   ~0010095

From https://docs.google.com/document/d/1timBP_TTxG-q9rfc0HwqydTmm8J3OH-9I1iJIUDdZng/edit?usp=sharing (the link is from https://www.eressea.de/?page_id=64&lang=en)

It doesn't go into detail, just the format of the command.

How do I do what I am trying to do then, please, if there is no restart command?



2024-03-03 13:06

Administrator   ~0010096

That Google Doc is an unofficial translation, and very much out of date. It probably shouldn't be linked on the Main page without comment, something I plan to fix. We are working on translating the German Wiki instead. Sorry for the confusion!

You can always QUIT the game and register again.


Änderungsdatum Benutzername Feld Änderung
2024-03-03 10:43 Nope Neuer Eintrag
2024-03-03 12:11 Enno Bearbeitung durch => Enno
2024-03-03 12:11 Enno Status neu => Rückmeldung
2024-03-03 12:11 Enno Notiz hinzugefügt: 0010094
2024-03-03 13:02 Nope Notiz hinzugefügt: 0010095
2024-03-03 13:02 Nope Status Rückmeldung => zugewiesen
2024-03-03 13:06 Enno Notiz hinzugefügt: 0010096
2024-03-03 14:16 Enno Status zugewiesen => erledigt
2024-03-03 14:16 Enno Lösung offen => keine Änderung notwendig