Eintragsdetails ansehen

IDProjektKategorieSichtbarkeitZuletzt aktualisiert
0002666EresseaReportformatöffentlich2020-05-25 17:10
Reporterrobertp Bearbeitung durchEnno  
PrioritätnormalSchweregradkleinerer FehlerReproduzierbarnicht getestet
Status erledigtLösungerledigt 
Zielversion3.23.3Behoben in Version3.23.3 
Zusammenfassung0002666: Commands loaded in German

When I (and another English player I know) loaded today's report in Magellan 2.0.6, all default unit commands were displayed in German, although I gave the commands in English and they were loaded in English on all previous turns in the same version of Magellan. So the problem is probably in the report, not in Magellan.

Schritte zur Reproduktion
  1. Open Magellan 2.0.6
  2. Load a report of a player with English language preference

Expected behavior: Default unit commands load in English Actual behavior: They load in German

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Notizen / Dateien



2020-05-24 11:01

Reporter   ~0008799

I had same issue but interestingly enough for two turns in a row one unit which was learning mining was defaulted to the german LERNE BERGBAU, which is not the translation for mining, even.



2020-05-24 11:02

Administrator   ~0008800

While there is a slim chance that this is a bug in the server, it's more likely to be in Magellan. I don't have Magellan installed, so I wouldn't know where to start diagnosing this. Maybe @Solthar or @Fiete can help me out here?



2020-05-24 11:08

Administrator   ~0008801

Zuletzt bearbeitet: 2020-05-24 11:08

Okay, weird. Looking at your report for this week (1170), I can clearly see that the orders are already broken in the CR:

COMMANDS "!@GIB mura ALL myrrh" "@KAUFE 4 myrrh" "VERKAUFE ALL silk"



2020-05-24 12:20

Administrator   ~0008802

I think I figured out what is causing this. Working on a fix, but I don't know if I can write you a new report. There's a slim chance that it's possible, so please hold :-)



2020-05-24 16:35

Administrator   ~0008803

Sent an email to Robert with a suggested workaround (new reports for the english players).



2020-05-24 16:36

Administrator   ~0008804

Made a hotfix to the server installation.



2020-05-24 17:52

Reporter   ~0008805

very happy that this seems not connected to Magellan ;-:)



2020-05-24 18:56

Reporter   ~0008806

I'll post here next week to let you know if the problem is fixed.

The current reports contained all the information needed for Magellan to load and display and for our group to make our orders, so I don't think we need new reports for this turn. It's only a matter of convenience of not having to change the default orders to english every turn.

It might be worth looking into why Lakissov's order changed from LEARN mining to LEARN building though.



2020-05-24 18:58

Administrator   ~0008807

Zuletzt bearbeitet: 2020-05-24 18:58

It might be worth looking into why Lakissov's order changed from LEARN mining to LEARN building though.

He wrote that it changed to LERNE BERGBAU, which is the German equivalent of mining, so I don't think there's a mystery here.



2020-05-24 19:22

Reporter   ~0008808

Oh, ok



2020-05-25 17:10

Administrator   ~0008812

I just sent out the new "static" reports to everyone.


Änderungsdatum Benutzername Feld Änderung
2020-05-17 11:42 robertp Neuer Eintrag
2020-05-24 11:01 Lakissov Notiz hinzugefügt: 0008799
2020-05-24 11:02 Enno Notiz hinzugefügt: 0008800
2020-05-24 11:06 Enno Produktversion => 3.23.1
2020-05-24 11:06 Enno Zielversion => 3.24
2020-05-24 11:08 Enno Notiz hinzugefügt: 0008801
2020-05-24 11:08 Enno Notiz bearbeitet: 0008801
2020-05-24 12:18 Enno Bearbeitung durch => Enno
2020-05-24 12:18 Enno Status neu => zugewiesen
2020-05-24 12:20 Enno Notiz hinzugefügt: 0008802
2020-05-24 16:22 Enno Zielversion 3.24 => 3.23.3
2020-05-24 16:35 Enno Notiz hinzugefügt: 0008803
2020-05-24 16:36 Enno Behoben in Version => 3.23.3
2020-05-24 16:36 Enno Notiz hinzugefügt: 0008804
2020-05-24 17:52 Fiete Notiz hinzugefügt: 0008805
2020-05-24 18:56 robertp Notiz hinzugefügt: 0008806
2020-05-24 18:58 Enno Notiz hinzugefügt: 0008807
2020-05-24 18:58 Enno Notiz bearbeitet: 0008807
2020-05-24 19:22 robertp Notiz hinzugefügt: 0008808
2020-05-25 17:10 Enno Notiz hinzugefügt: 0008812
2020-05-25 17:10 Enno Status zugewiesen => erledigt
2020-05-25 17:10 Enno Lösung offen => erledigt